

In honour of the National Teacher of the Year Award 2023, a tile in WUR’s Walk of Fame has been placed on May 21, 2024 (see also In the Media).

Crossing boundaries is an important concept at our university. Birgit embodies that concept by showing WUR and the WUR community new, difference sources of knowledge.” – Arnold Bregt, WUR’s Dean of Education, 2024

National Teacher of the Year 2023

Receiving National Teacher of the Year Award 2023 (24 April 2023) (Photo: Linde Dorenbos)

Part of Jury report: “Birgit Boogaard is de Docent van het Jaar 2023. Ze ontvangt de titel Docent van het Jaar 2023 met de daarbij behorende prijs en financiële vergoeding van het Comeniusnetwerk ter bevordering van onderwijsinnovatie aan diens onderwijsinstellingen. Ze blonk uit door haar creativiteit en grote ambitie. Birgit vertelde een nieuw verhaal op prachtige wijze en excelleerde als een echte onderwijsvernieuwer. Kortom, de winnaar van dit jaar is een docent die een fantastisch voorbeeld is van hoe goed onze docenten in het hoger onderwijs zijn.” 

WUR Teacher of the Year Award 2022

Receiving WUR’s Teacher of the Year Award 2022 (photo Guy Ackermans)

Part of the jury report: “Despite addressing a topic that some may find unconventional to WUR’s domain, she finds a way to allow students to go in-depth and reflect on its importance and relation with any other discipline taught at our institution. Her passion for teaching pushes her to creatively approach the lectures with drawings and close interaction with students. She places human intrinsic value throughout her work and advocates for a more diverse and inclusive environment.”

Winner of Excellent Education Award 2021

CPT30806 Social justice, Technology and Development. Jury report: “This course stimulates students to be critical with a lot of interaction.  The teacher was very engaging and created a safe atmosphere in the class room. The use of a ‘course mind-map’ is very original and was appreciated by the students. The template of the course guide is captivating with a very clear structure. Feedback to improve the course was not that the course was lacking something, but that the students wanted to learn more. Students also mentioned that this course should be made obligatory for the whole university.”

Winner of Excellent Education Award 2020 

CPT39806 – African Philosophy. Jury report: “The course gives an introduction to African philosophy, with the goal to better understand African perspectives towards problems, solutions and innovations related to development issues. But it also has the aim that students  critically reflect upon their own cultural and scientific background, from the perspective of global challenges and development issues that are often intercultural. Students acquire basic methodological skills as well as engagement in intercultural dialogues. The jury was impressed by the way the teachers take the students out of their comfort zone, while safeguarding a safe environment, by using a variety of teaching methods, it is a real eye-opener. The teachers use lectures, videos, music, drawings, storytelling. Quotes from students: “this is an amazing, little secret course”, “It challenges your own way of thinking which makes you think for yourself instead of following the way of thinking around you”.

Nomination for Excellent Education Award 2023

CPT 39806 African philosophy. Jury report: “‘African Philosophy’ stood out as a remarkable course that has the potential to transcend African conditions, providing insights that resonate universally. The course created an exceptional environment of interaction and open discussion, fostering personal growth and stimulating academic thinking. Students were not only challenged to think critically about the course content but also encouraged to reflect on their own cultural and scientific backgrounds, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives and promoting a well-rounded intellectual development.”