In the media

Below is an overview of various interviews and news items in chronological order.

22 May 2024

Resource –  WUR’s walk of fame & Video artwork

Read the full article here

13 May 2024

Resource – Ending TOTY year 

Read the full article here

4 December 2023

4TU – Interviews with award winning teachers 2023

Read the full article here

23 June 2023

WUR  website –  Long read

Birgit Boogaard, national Teacher of the Year 2023: “Didn’t expect so many doors to open”

Read the full article here

20 May 2023

De Gelderlander – Interview

“We kunnen een hoop leren van Afrikaanse kennis” 

Read the full article here

28 April 2023

WUR website – Interview

“There is still so much to be done regarding inclusion in education.”

Read the full article here

“Arnold Bregt, Dean of Education at WUR, was also present at the award ceremony. He congratulated Boogaard on her win. “Every year, I nominate someone for this award. This was the first time we’d made it this far, and now we’ve won it. Fantastic.” 

28 April 2023

WUR website – News item

Read the full article here

24 April 2023

Resource – News item

“Bekroning met een boodschap: meer oog voor échte inclusie”

Read the full article here

Dit is erkenning voor het opnemen van historisch onderdrukte stemmen. Hieruit blijkt de behoefte onder studenten aan deze vorm en inhoud van onderwijs: een veilige leeromgeving waarin we kunnen leren van en met andere perspectieven.” Bij radio 1 sprak Boogaard over de Afrikaanse filosofie die ze doceert en het samenwerken met Afrikaanse denkers: “We lezen de teksten van Afrikaanse collega’s en ze komen ook naar Wageningen.” – Radio 1

24 April 2023

Radio 1 – interview

Link to the radio fragment is here

24 April 2023

ISO Website – News item

Read the news item here

Boogaard tekent haar lesstof, en ook dat maakt haar uniek. „De lesstof is best lastig te begrijpen”, vertelt ze, „als je zo’n tekening ziet, kun je het een stuk makkelijker onthouden”. Aan het eind van de les krijgen de studenten dan een complete visuele samenvatting. „Het is lastig uit te leggen, je zou het moeten ervaren.”  AD

24 April 2023

Algemeen Dagblad – Interview

“Horen, zien en meemaken: zo wordt een docent de beste van het jaar”

Read the full article here

“Is de beste WUR-docent ook de beste van Nederland?”

23 March 2023

Resource – News item

6 February 2023

Resource – interview WUR ToTY

Read the full article here

“This award is an important recognition for bringing African perspectives into Wageningen University’s teaching,” Boogaard said in her acceptance speech, referring to two of her most important courses: African Philosophy and Social Justice Technology and Development. In her acceptance speech, Boogaard thanked African colleagues who help her teach; her students for showing courage during critical self-reflections and being open to other worldviews; and her colleagues in the Knowledge Technology and Innovation group.” – WUR website

12 October 2022

WUR website – WUR TOTY 2022

Birgit Boogaard elected as teacher of the year 2022

Read the full article and words of gratitude here

Boogaard considers the award a token of appreciation for her creative and liberating teaching methods. Boogaard uses her background as an illustrator to draw illustrations of sociological and philosophical concepts on the board during her classes. At the end of the course, there is a single, all-encompassing illustration. ‘That helps in understanding and memorising abstract concepts.’ – Resource

11 October 2022

Resource – WUR TOTY 2022

Read the full article here

The new African Philosophy course given by Birgit Boogaard has won the WUR excellent education prize in the ‘specialized courses’ category. Resource talked to her about this unusual discipline. – Resource

02 July 2020

Resource – Interview African philosophy course

Read the full article here